Friday, September 23, 2011

Finding our place

September has been full of surprises. It marked our first full month of being married, and might I say it hasn't been all fun and games (imagine that!).

Don't get me wrong, we have been having tons of fun! We finally were able to take a week off from work in September to celebrate our marriage, which we spent at the Disneyland Resort! (obviously ;)

This was taken on our balcony at the hotel while we were watching the fireworks

We are very blessed to have this home that we live in as well as two stable jobs. However, even with these three great blessings life is still hard. For example, I just got a job working at Red Robin at the end of July and I absolutely love it. I love the learning experience I've had and the chance I've had to better communicate with people, as well as build relationships with my managers and co workers. I find it very surprising that I get along with every person I work with. You don't find that to happen at most jobs..

Even though I absolutely love my job, it gets frustrating at times. I have an inconsistent schedule- one week I could have 5 shifts and the next I could have 3. One day my schedule will say I need to work 5 hours, and I'll get sent home after 2 1/2. That's because it depends on how busy the restraunt gets, which is understandable and sometimes I like going home early, but it can also get frustrating when it comes time to pay our bills. Luckily we are still able to make ends meet even if I'm not making the money I hoped I would be.

The other thing that is changing is our current location of living. I have lived in Thousand Oaks my whole life and the only time I have ever left the state was for vacations to Kauai, Las Vegas, and Utah. For a long time I was completely against the idea of ever moving out of California. I like the sunshine and the constant warmness :) Anything colder than 60 degrees just doesn't sound like fun to me... Anyway, I finally opened up to the idea of moving to Utah after having spent a week in Salt Lake City area over the summer. Since Jayson is trying to get accepted to the University of Utah in fall of 2012, we decided it would be best to move up there as soon as possible and establish residency. We have been searching for jobs and locations to live all month. We have found several opportunities and now we are just waiting to hear responses.

Life has a funny way of throwing you through a loop. We thought we had finally found our stable nitch here in Newbury Park after finding a wonderful home (we may just be renting a room from a house, but it is still better than we had expected), Jayson being able to regain his employment at the Westlake Village Inn since returning from his mission, and me being able to get a job at Red Robin. After constant conversations about our options, we still need to make one more change. Finding our place is not coming as easily as we had expected, but we know and trust that the Lord has a plan for us. There is a reason why we are needing to relocate and make adjustments in our lives, and we know that what ever that reason is that it will be for our benefit and prepare a new path for us to follow in the future.

I'm excited for the change ;) HERE COMES SOME SNOW!!!

This was taken a few nights ago- we have fun together ;)

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