Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ashley Anderson should NOT bake

I always knew I wasn't cut out for the whole "wife that bakes everything all the time" title, and last night proved that!

Jayson called me on his break at work and had asked me to make up some bread dough so we could have fresh bread. Its not that I didn't wanna help out, I'm just not very patient when it comes to cooking, and I somehow always mess up so I joke about how my cooking will kill someone or make them sick. Jayson convinced me that everything would be alright and he had faith that I could do this...

As convincing as he was, I still knew this wasn't a good idea, but I wanted to be helpful and learn to do something new. So I grabbed the ingredients necessary and the mixer and got started. (This next part is the dumbest thing ever, and I have no clue why I did it) I started to put the mixing rods into the hand-held mixer and locked them into place. I wanted to make sure they were locked in before I started using it, so I put my hand in front of the beaters waiting to catch them if they accidentally fell out (ya, stupid..I know). I accidentally turned the mixer on too high and startled myself and the next thing I knew, my finger was twisted inside the mixer :(

So now I've got a lovely little finger splint on my left-ring finger. I must say that only having 9 fingers to work with is a lot harder than I thought... But hey, in the end, I did make a pretty yummy loaf of bread ;)

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