Monday, October 24, 2011

8 Days left in California

I am very, very excited about our move to Salt Lake City! I can't even begin to tell you the number of conversations Jayson has tried to have with me about convincing me to move to Utah after we got married when we were dating. My answer was always "Uhm, we live in California..where its warm.. we're not going anywhere!" And I'm surprised to say that I've been counting down the days for the past month for our move.

There are a few things that I am no so excited for. The cold weather is one thing. Here I am, sleeping in 55-60+ degree weather and I'm 'cold' but I don't even know the meaning of cold until we move... Jayson looked up the weather for the day/night we move and the high will be 50-60 degrees and the low is about 30 something degrees. I'm really excited...

I'm not too thrilled about learning new cities, directions, and street addresses. Jayson says its darn near impossible to get lost on a grid system, but I still can't figure anything out because of these street numbers, even though they're all numerical.

I'm the worst at adjusting to changes, but I know I'll feel comfortable eventually. However, I am excited that we have our own place that we don't have to share with anyone. It's our first apartment that we get to decorate how ever we want without anyone telling us what we can or cannot do. We get to make it our own 'Anderson' home :)

I'm also extremely excited to be moving closer to some of my girlfriends in the area. Out here in California, 99% of my friends from high school have moved out of the area for college and we have lost contact. Most of my friends from church are still attending the Singles Ward, which is awesome for them, but because every one has a crazy schedule, Sundays were the only days we could really catch up and see each other. Jayson and I are excited to be moving into an area where there will be other young married couples, as well as two of our closest friends who are going to be getting married in April. Jayson also has a few buddies attending BYU who he will now get to hang out with.

This is a new adventure that we both just wanna start already. We've been waiting since the begining of October to start this..and we're 'tired' of waiting (well..maybe I'm just tired of waiting) We're excited for our new opportunities and a chance to plant our feet into the ground and get our lives going!



  2. We'll be moving to Salt Lake eventually too! We can be buds! :)
