Saturday, March 31, 2012

March Madness!

Hi Everyone! Sorry we haven't updated this month. I honestly kind of forgot about this blog... Oops.. Well, let me update you on a few things!

Ashley's Birthday
Yes, I realize today is Erik's birthday (Happy Birthday baby brother!!) but you know me, I always plan my disney day months in advance! ;) Any how, as of right now, we do have plans set aside to come home for a few days. We will be in Thousand Oaks on Friday and Saturday, August 3d and 4th. I talked to my mom and she said we could try to plan on doing something with our family on Saturday...

Our Car
We love it! Absolutly love it! Since we only have one car, we are still trying to balance out our schedules so we can help each other get to where we need to go. Right now its pretty simple because Jayson and I work on the same street! Jayson works at 3300 S. and 3025 E. and I work at 3300 S. and 1650 E. If you didnt't understand that at all, let me explain 'The Grid System' the way Jayson explained it to me: (Mom, Piper, and Tara, you'll appreciate this)

Think of Disneyland.
Now think of the lay out....
Sleeping Beauty Castle represents the middle of Downtown Salt Lake City- where Temple Square is (Temple Square is a place where several of our Church buildings are, including one of the Temples)
Main Street USA is Main Street.
Adventureland= West
Frontierland= NorthWest
Fantasyland= North

Basically, the streets all count down until you get to Main Street, and then once you cross over Main Street, you just count up. (Did any of that make any sense?) Jayson does a lot better job at explaining it than me... But anyway, since you just count the streets, it makes it a lot less difficult to get lost as opposed to trying to find your way around back home if you had never lived in Thousand Oaks before..

Anyway, here is our car!

Moving and Jobs
Long story short, it looks like we are going to be staying in our current apartment until our lease ends in September. We aren't too happy about it. We've decided that paying $2,000 just to our complex for terminating our lease just isn't worth it, especially when that doesn't include any other expenses to move to a new place.

Right now, we live one freeway exit from the street that we both work on anyway, so it seems kind of silly to move Downtown anyway. Especially since they officially told Jayson that he will not be working at the airport. We're kind of happy about it. Now we don't have to wake up at 4:00am to drive Jayson to the airport, drop him off, get myself to work at 9:00am, and leave Jayson stranded at the airport till 6:00pm since that will be about the time it takes me to get off work and get over to him to pick him up. They still haven't given Jayson and plans on what store they're gonna transfer him too, but we hope that a promotion is coming up soon.

As for me, there is a rumor that I may be a toddler teacher this summer in our 'Guppy' class! I am so excited! That's our 18month-2year old class and these kids are my absolute favorite! They wake up from nap time and run up to me and hug me and kiss me and tell me they love me and it is the best feeling ever! I really love my job :) On top of that, I'm getting paid to go back to school! I start again in May and my two classes cost $30 total! Basically when I get my Child Development Associates Degree, what ever amount I paid to complete all my courses, my company will pay me back when I show them my certificate of completion. I think it will take about 6-8 months to get. The bonus about the whole this is that each class I take is worth about 10 in-state credits to any college that has a Child Development program if I decide to go back to a university.

Whats happening this weekend...
Every April and October, the Mormon Church has a meeting called General Conference- where we hear talks given by our Prophet and various other church leaders. I really encourage you all to listen, if you have the time, or just check out the website if your interested in learning more about what I believe in. Visit

If you want to listen to General Conference, click the link below:
Come listen to living prophets

It starts at 9:00am tomorrow, and again at 1:00pm.

If you want to watch the broadcast we had this morning, click here:

Do you know who David Archuleta is?
If you don't, he was a contestant on American Idol a a few years back. He is LDS and has decided to serve a Two Year Mission and was called to serve somewhere in South America. He is a pretty famous musician and the thing I love the most about him is that even though he is famous and is currently in the middle of filming a TV series and recording new music, he decided to put all of that aside so that he can be a servant of the Lord and serve the people in South America and share the gospel.

Every General Conference, there is a choir that sings. This afternoon, the missionaries that are in the Missionary Training Center (where missionaries go to learn how to share the gospel with others before they leave to the area they have been called to) were asked to sing in the choir. The below picture is Elder Archuleta singing in the choir. I was very excited to see him singing and wearing a missionary name tag :)

I dyed my hair!
I am more blond now :) Next time I dye it, I'm gonna dye it even lighter! Les wasn't too thrilled about the idea once I announced it on Facebook.. but he'll get over it :P

Haha, like our faces? We were at the mall the other day and decided to stop in the Apple Store to take pictures on their computers and use the different camera settings. Aren't we a gorgeous couple? :p

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