Saturday, December 24, 2011

The month of December

Okay, Okay, we will get better at posting more and not just waiting for a holiday to write and update.. I promise!

Well, what has December with the Anderson's been like? Lets see.... pretty ridiculously boring. I work every day from 10:30am-9:00pm and Jayson works all day as well (his hours vary depending on the day) so we don't get the chance to go out and do anything really. When we get off work, we usually just come home, throw in a TV dinner and watch a movie till we fall asleep, then do the same thing all over again the next day. Did you say TV dinners? Yes, yes I did. Why are you eating TV dinners? Well, its not that we can't afford 'real' dinners, we are just so sick of food. Not in the 'I have an eating disorder' kind of way.. we just literally are sick of food. With both of us working in restaurants all day, neither of us wanna come home and see more of it. Jayson is still going through his management training, so he has to be trained for all of the positions at work, including the cooking and prepping. I am an 'expedite' so I take the food out of the window, tray it up for the servers, and then run it out to the tables. Trust me, out of starting at food for 90% of your day, you easily get tired of seeing it and definitely are not in the mood to eat any of it.

Jayson's work has been going well. Like I said, he's still doing management training, but he is finished with the cooking/prepping food part of it. Poor guy has cuts and burns on his fingers and arms :( Not bad ones.. just wittle ones... he's okay :) They finally gave him a store location too! We're not too excited about it.. but he'll be working at the store inside the Salt Lake City airport when it opens in March. Its only a 15 minute drive from where we live, but there is one two minutes away from us that we were hoping for. That's okay though, things will work out!!

My job? Pain in the butt!! But I definitely prefer it over being a server.. they only make $2 something an hour and I make $8.00 plus tips. So its a good source of income, but it gets annoying.. As you can tell, I am SICK beyond sick of food.. I'm gonna be looking for a new job soonish..

No..there is NO SNOW! -_-
none. zero. zip. nada. silch. no me gusta. no bueno!
I was expecting a WHITE Christmas! W-H-I-T-E!!
Its just cold.. 27-37 degrees all week. Any time it does snow, its melted by morning...

Well, its 10:30pm on Christmas Eve, and I'm gonna go spend it with my husband. Sorry for the horrid update...but it is what it is :) We've got some fun things planned for tomorrow so I'll update you on that stuff later!

Merry Christmas!!

Love, The Andersons

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