Thursday, November 24, 2011

New Life Adventures- The past month

Hello all and Happy Thanksgiving from the Anderson's! We apologize for not having updated anything this past month.. adjusting to a new home, in a new state, with new everything has been a lot crazier than expected... So allow me to fill you in:

Jayson and I finally made it to Salt Lake City, Utah in our first apartment. We owe a few big thank yous to Jayson's parents, Kerry and Curtis. First off, Jayson and I moved out our place we were renting in California a few days earlier than originally planned so we could save money. However, our apartment in Utah wasn't available for us at the time that we had wanted to move. We ended up staying at Jayson's parents, which was nice because we got the chance to spend some time together as a family before we moved. We stayed there for 3-4 days before Jayson's dad not only helped us tie down our mattress to the top of our U-haul (which is a long story in itself) but he helped with the move too!

So you're probably wondering about why the mattress was 'a long story.' First of all, Jayson didn't get off work the night before our move (which was Halloween night) till 11:30pm and that's when we finished packing the U-haul and tying down the mattress. It took us about two hours to tie it down because the Santa Ana winds had started up. Talk about bad timing...

The winds didn't help with the driving either. We left the house at about 5:00am and I fell asleep the moment we got onto the freeway. I woke up a few times to Jayson and Curtis getting out of the car to adjust the mattress because the wind kept blowing it almost off the U-haul. The third time I woke up, we were parked outside his parents house and they were taking the mattress off. The winds had just become too rough for us to even try to complete our 14 hour drive. (Jayson and Curtis came to that conclusion after having been out on the road for over two hours, only having driven about 15 miles, and had to adjust the mattress twice). So yes, we did not have a mattress for the first couple of days but we did have a memory foam mattress topper to deal with until we found a replacement mattress.

We finally pulled into our apartment at about 11:00pm. And that's when our new adventure began :)

(By the way, we apologize for not having any pictures or videos available at the moment to put up- there will be some soon!)

Our "Neighbors"
Jayson and I had bought a University of Utah door mat on one of our trips to Bed Bath and Beyond and apparently we weren't the only ones who fell in love with it. After having put it outside our door, we found that our neighbors loved it as well. I came home from work one night to find that our mat was sitting outside our neighbors door and their mat was sitting outside ours, so I switched them back. The next morning, our neighbor had switched our mats again! So again, I politely switched them back.. A few days after that, they had taken it yet again, which I will admit had made me a little more than upset, so I threw their mat at their door...

"Work, work, work"
Jayson and I were supposed to start work basically the moment we had moved, but that didn't work out so well..

Jayson did get his job as Assistant Manager for Cafe Rio and I did end up getting the job with Red Robin, as well as a promotion as a Host and an Expo (which is the person that bring our the food to the tables). Jayson and I both struggled to get a hold of our managers and recruiters who were in charge of our training schedules. We had done everything and more to get a hold of them, but they had a hard time communicating with their managers and supervisors, which made it that much more difficult for them to get in contact with us about our start dates. Its a much longer and complicated story on both ends, but that's the gist of the situation..

Life in Utah
I know I complained a lot about the cold, but its really not that bad. The first night we slept in our apartment, Jayson and I were tossing and turning for a few moments. I was thinking about the drive up here and thinking about just how long 14 hours are..and exactly how far away we were..and I got real homesick real quick.. and I will admit, I was scared that things up here with work weren't gonna work out. But we put our faith in the Lord and in each other and knew in our hearts that we were doing the right thing and that we were going to get through this with the help of the Lord and each other.

It has now been about 3-4 weeks since we moved and we couldn't be happier. We have loved the experiences at work and the opportunities that have been available to us. I personally love the chances we have had to see Jayson's two oldest sisters and their husbands and sons. We didn't really get the chance to see them that much in California so its nice that they live close.

Being together <3
I love being with my husband :) Jayson does leave for work at about 6:45-7:00am every morning, so I am usually asleep when he leaves for work, and then I start at 11:30 and usually don't get off work till 8:00pm, so we don't see each other till after 8:00pm. But that's not nearly as bad as it was back in California when he was working at the hotel; he wouldn't get off work till 11:30pm or 7:00am if he was working overnight shifts.

We spend time together cuddling, telling each other about our work days, and then usually finish the night off by an epic Pokemon battle on our Nintendo 64 (and I usually win too :P).

With today being Thanksgiving, Jayson and I are at his grandparents house with his extended family. There are a few people I have not yet had the chance to meet, but I am very grateful to have met everyone and I look forward to the opportunities to meet the rest of his family.

All in all, we love Utah. We miss California, but we know that moving here to start our lives together was worth it and will continue to be!